Sunday, April 26, 2009

What God Says About Me...and You! Part 2

These scriptures are reminders to me of the beautiful identity I have in Christ. Writing them down is simply one way I am choosing to renew my mind and immerse myself in these truths.

The awesome part...What is true of me, is true of you!

All who have accepted the wondrous, good news of Christ, share in His inheritance. What is true of Christ is now true of us, because we are in Christ. It's part of our identity.

Truth for today:

I am the light of the world (Matt.5:14)

and in Christ, by God's grace,

I died with Christ and died to the power of sin's rule over my life

(Rom. 6:1-6)

If you'd like to grow in the understanding of your Identity in Christ, I highly recommend you take the time to read "Victory Over the Darkness" by Neil T. Andersen. Understanding these truths has revolutionized my life. I believe wholeheartedly...FREEDOM in it's truest form can only come from a clear understanding of who one is in Christ.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Reality TV that will Touch Your Heart

New reality show through Samaritan's Purse. Looks like it will be great! For more info, check out .

Saturday, April 11, 2009

What God Says About Me...and You!

Today I am adding a new element to this blog..."What God Says About Me...and You". These scriptures are reminders to me of the beautiful identity I have in Christ. Writing them down is simply one way I am choosing to renew my mind and immerse myself in these truths.

The awesome part...What is true of me, is true of you!

All who have accepted the wondrous, good news of Christ, share in His inheritance. What is true of Christ is now true of us, because we are in Christ. It's part of our identity.

Truth for today:

I am the salt of the earth. (Matt. 5:13)

and in Christ, by God's grace,

I have been justified - completely forgiven and made righteous (Rom. 5:1)

If you'd like to grow in the understanding of your Identity in Christ, I highly recommend you take the time to read "Victory Over the Darkness" by Neil T. Andersen. Understanding these truths has revolutionized my life. I believe wholeheartedly...FREEDOM in it's truest form can only come from a clear understanding of who one is in Christ.

A REAL Day Off

Yesterday, I took Ella to Lincolnton to stay the night with Grammy & Poppa. Keith & I had plans to celebrate a friends 30th birthday and decided to make other arrangements for her. So today, childless for the day, we experienced our first real day off in a very long time. We slept late, went to breakfast, wandered from store to store looking at backyard playsets to get ideas for a playset for Ella. We are considering building one for her birthday. It was a nice, relaxed day. The great part was we both felt okay today and, with all the crazy allergy sinus stuff we've had going on lately, that in itself is HUGE! The day was stress free, frustration free, and argument free. Yay! "Argument free?", you may ask. Yes, I know it's hard to believe, but Pastors and their wives actually do argue. Ours, mostly stress, lack of rest and family time induced. We love what we do and the opportunities the Lord gives us to take part in the lives of people around us - wouldn't change it for the world! However, our schedules tend to get crazy and over busy at times and with that come emotions that run high and tempers that flare more easily than they normally would., a very good day that ended in dinner with Ella and my parents and bringing our incredibly beautiful, little girl home. Tomorrow... a family day kicked off by taking Ella to an Easter egg hunt.

Thank you Lord for pouring your peace and refreshment into this day. I love that you are active in our world, calming things and reminding us of the importance of renewing ourselves by taking time off from our daily routines.