Sunday, April 26, 2009

What God Says About Me...and You! Part 2

These scriptures are reminders to me of the beautiful identity I have in Christ. Writing them down is simply one way I am choosing to renew my mind and immerse myself in these truths.

The awesome part...What is true of me, is true of you!

All who have accepted the wondrous, good news of Christ, share in His inheritance. What is true of Christ is now true of us, because we are in Christ. It's part of our identity.

Truth for today:

I am the light of the world (Matt.5:14)

and in Christ, by God's grace,

I died with Christ and died to the power of sin's rule over my life

(Rom. 6:1-6)

If you'd like to grow in the understanding of your Identity in Christ, I highly recommend you take the time to read "Victory Over the Darkness" by Neil T. Andersen. Understanding these truths has revolutionized my life. I believe wholeheartedly...FREEDOM in it's truest form can only come from a clear understanding of who one is in Christ.


  1. Love those verses! I need to read them often!
    How come I didnt know you have a blog????? Keeping secrets ;-)

  2. Hey my friend! I love you bunches! I am planning on bloggin again as well!! Stop by and become a follower( click on the follow link in the side bar)
