Sunday, July 11, 2010

Celebrating An Amazing Woman

Today is the birthday of one of my dearest friends. If you look up the word friend in the dictionary, there it will be - a picture of Renee Lewis! Renee and I met in 2000 - she was at home on bed rest and Mark (her husband) had come to church that Sunday morning. It was a HUGE morning in our world as Keith was being ordained as a Pastor and was sharing our vision for planting a church in Mooresville, NC. Following the service, Mark approached Keith and said he and Renee would love to talk to us more about being a part of our core team (little did he know the journey they were about to embark on). We later went to their home to meet with them and came away knowing that the Lewis family was a gift from God. Renee agreed to become our Children's Ministry Director - a completely volunteer position, I might add. They soon moved their family to the Mooresville area to position themselves to pour into ministry.

I have learned so much about Renee since that time!

1 - She's ALL HEART.

2 - She LOVES children far more than I could have imagined.

3 - She is COMMITTED to family - hers, mine, & yours!

4 - You don't mess with her family! (& the Devines are part of her family... so, don't you forget it!!)

5 - She will run herself ragged SERVING anyone she feels has a need.

6 - She is the most LOYAL person I have ever met.

7 - She shares the love of Christ with everyone she connects with - and she CONNECTS with everyone she meets.

8 - She is an amazing WOMAN OF GOD, a living stone being built up as a spiritual house.

It is difficult to express just how much I love this woman and just how amazing I believe she is. She has poured into my life with so much love, spiritual insight, and dedication. She has stayed up with me until all hours of the night - talking, encouraging, and even decorating. She has walked with me through the good times and the difficult times. She has been my accountability partner - the one who speaks truth when it's hard and love when it's needed - not to mention my ministry partner & business partner. She has been there by my side when no one else even recognized the need. All I can say is...I am soooooo blessed to call her FRIEND!!

So, Happy Birthday my dear friend! I love and honor you today!! Thank you for who you are in my life!!!

1 comment:

  1. Commenting over five months later...but she is still an amazing gal. 8^)
